About Nomad Girl

Born into an ancient nomadic culture and since I was a child, traveling has been my passion. In my Motherland Kazakhstan, long before Kazakhs formed a nation, my ancestors maintained a nomadic lifestyle. For them, Mother Nature was the main source of survival and prosperity. The positions of the planets, constellations, and cosmos were key and integral elements for navigating life and complemented their instincts for survival. By interpreting the songs of birds and observing the behavior of other fauna, my ancestors were able to forecast the harshness or mildness as well as the scarcity or abundance of the seasons and the environment. Of course, in modern day society, this scientific observation and spirituality has been replaced by technological gadgetry and mechanical transportation.

However, certain elements of my ancestors' nomadic lifestyle remain in use in my Motherland today, not to mention in many parts of the world as well. It’s the yurts, smoke billowing out of the chimneys and steam coming out of the samauryn (a big outdoor kettle), horses running in pastoral landscapes, shepherds herding sheep and cattle, and families sitting down for wholesome meals on the grass carpeted steppe, just like my nomadic warrior ancestors did. Every time I visit my ancestral land, I feel a deep connection to Mother Earth and to Nature. I feel honored to witness the cycle of life and how Mother Earth is home for us all. Living almost two decades in America (most of my adult life), being shaped by Western culture and having one foot in the West and one in my Motherland, I developed a strong desire to bring the best of both worlds together; the positive evolution of Western society and the wisdom and lifestyle of my ancestral land, all to benefit, preserve and honor our Planet.

This is the genesis of Nomad Girl.

Thank you for stopping by. There is more to come. Stay tuned.

Rahmet (meaning “thank you” in Kazakh 😊).